Do you have the dignity and the courage to get back up after you know everyone has seen or heard...your house was in foreclosure, your car was repossessed, your son or daughter identifies with the LGBTQ community, you were physically abused, or your spouse went to jail for stealing money from the company he worked for? I have had several clients that have gone through or are currently going through these situations. They are very hard to deal with and can be embarrassing when you live your life to impress people and pretend your life is perfect.
The truth is, nobody’s life is perfect. Everyone on the planet has had something painful or embarrassing to overcome. I believe that is why we are not supposed to judge anyone or mentally and emotionally kick them when they are down. So, ladies my encouragement to you is, do the best you can to live a true authentic life. In every area of your life.
Your truth is how you show up in the world
You don’t have to live your life above your means to impress anyone, you don’t have to convince yourself that something is right when you know in your heart it’s wrong, and you don't have to allow someone to change you into someone you were not created to be. Just be true to yourself. Live your life to bring peace, joy, laughter and love to yourself, your family, and to the world.
If you’ve made a bad decision, a wrong choice or trusted a dishonest person, own your mistake, forgive yourself, tell the truth, and get back up and continue on with your life. It is ok to make mistakes as long as you learn from them, so you don’t have to repeat the same test. Don’t let your mistakes define you. God is not mad at you when you fall, however, it hurts his heart when you don’t get back up. Remember, God kisses you with life every morning. That is another chance to get back up and begin again.
Love and Blessings
Dr. Doris
Call To Action: Take a few minutes today to see if there are any areas in your life where you feel stuck. If so, create a plan to get unstuck. Ask God for divine instructions on how to get back up and bring new life to that area and start today enjoying the one life God has given you.